We love handmade rugs

Rug Club

Rug Club's vision is to bring together handmade rug lovers and celebrate the beauty of different cultures, creativity, colours. By blending the centuries-old art of rug making with contemporary designs, Rug Club aims to create high-quality rugs that add a signature style and touch to every home and decor.

While Rug Club offers various rug qualities to meet customer demands, their primary focus lies on handmade quality rugs. By supporting artisans who believe in the irreplaceable value of human touch, Rug Club not only preserves the ancient skill of rug making but also contributes to its flourishing. Each handmade rug is a unique piece crafted with love and care, reflecting the dedication and expertise of the artisans involved.

It is worth noting that Rug Club is committed to social responsibility, ensuring that their rugs are produced within factories that value their workers, artisans and are SMETA certified.  By prioritizing fair labour practices and ethical production methods, Rug Club contributes to the well-being of the people involved in the rug-making process.

Overall, Rug Club's dedication to creating exceptional handmade rugs while upholding social responsibility reflects their passion for artistry, craftsmanship, and respect for the cultural heritage of rug making.